Datapacks, Plugins & Client mods
Here you can find a list of all additions to the server and allowed mods for your client approved by the ArchitectSMP staff.
If you feel like something is missing you can make a suggestion in the Discord #suggestions channel.
Enabled datapacks
Name | Description |
Armor statues | Players can customize armor stand positions with a special book, as well as make item frames invisible |
Durability ping | Toggleable "ping" noise or chat message that goes off when your items reach low durability. Use /trigger duraping to set up to your liking |
More mob heads | Most mobs have a chance to drop their heads when killed by a player |
Multiplayer sleep | Allows one player to sleep in a bed to pass the night. Does not reset the Insomnia timer for other players |
Nether portal coords | Adds a trigger that calculates where a nether portal must be placed in the other dimension. Useful for syncing up nether portals |
Player head drops | Players have a chance of dropping their own head when dying to PVP or shooting themselves with an arrow |
Silence mobs | Adds the ability to silence mobs using a name tag. 'Silence me'; 'silence me'; 'silence_me' are all acceptable names |
Custom Roleplaye Data(pack) | Allows you to easily change the CustomModelData of items to change the look of items using resource packs. |
Track raw statistics | Tool to track statistics, can be used by staff for scoreboards |
Track statistics | Tool to track statistics, can be used by staff for scoreboards |
Unlock all recipes | Automatically unlock all recipes as you start playing, no need to go through the tutorial phase |
Wandering traders | Adds mini-blocks to the wandering traders' list of tradeable items |
Back to blocks | Allows you to craft full blocks from stairs and slabs in case you have spare ones laying around |
Universal dyeing | Allows you to dye a dyeable block to another color, no matter what color it is (does not include Wool and Concrete) |
Sandstone dyeing | Use red dye with sandstone to craft red sandstone |
More bark | Craft 4 bark blocks instead of 3 |
More trapdoors | Craft 12 trapdoors instead of 2 |
More stairs | Craft 8 stairs instead of 4 |
Craftable coral blocks 3x3 | Allows you to craft coral blocks from their coral plant in a 3x3. Both tubes and fans may be used interchangably |
Craftable copper blocks 2x2 | Allows you to craft copper blocks from copper bars in a 2x2. |
How To: Player Commands
Use !report [message]
to alert staff on Discord of a situation that needs our attention.
The message you send will be moved from the channel you post it in to a staff-only channel right after you hit enter.
These commands will allow you to send a whisper to another player without everyone else seeing it:
/tell [targetPlayer] [message]
or /msg [targetPlayer] [message]
Do note that these messages show up in the console and in the chat logs in the server files so please don't send any sensitive or private information via this way.
/trigger nc_inNether
can be used to get the corresponding Overworld coordinates for a portal from the spot you are standing at in the Nether.
/trigger nc_inOverworld
can be used to get the corresponding Nether coordinates for a portal from the spot you are standing at in the Overworld.
/trigger duraPing
is a toggleable "ping" noise or chat message that goes off when your items reach low durability.
/trigger CustomModelData set #
can be used to change the look of the item that you are holding using resource packs.An ArchitectSMP resource pack is available on our discord under #roleplay-resource-pack. Contact staff if you want to add your custom textures!
How To: Armor Stands and Item Frames
Statues Book
Put a few random words in a Book&Quil and sign it as 'Statues'.
With this control book you are able to manipulate armor stands and item frames.
- Place an item frame with the item you wish to display.
- Look at the pixels next to the item frame and use your control book.
- Select 'Item Frames' on the main page of this book.
- Then choose 'Invisible item frame' to hide the item frame.
- And you can lock the item inside by chosing 'Fixed item frame - Yes'.
- Always turn Gravity off via the option on the styles chapter.
- Lock a stand before working on another close by (Utilities category).
- Plan your work order when making a larger structures.
- Use Presets for quick player posing, after which you can adjust each limb seperately.
- Auto Align offers several preset options for items and blocks to be displayed.
- You can swap between mainhand, offhand and head slots via the Auto-Align category.
- When choosing a small stand you can change the size of items and blocks too.
- Collect mob heads and mini blocks for more decoration options!
How To: Player Heads, Mob Heads & Mini Blocks
- Player heads can be obtained through combat.
- Shoot an arrow straight up to be able to kill yourself. (Please keep death messages to a moderate amount at a time).
- Killing a mob gives you a chance of receiving their head for decoration.
- Some mob heads are easy to get, others not so much.
- Mini versions of vanilla blocks can be obtained through Wandering Traders.
- Check out, your head keeps the skin you had upon death.
You can also use the/hdb
command in-game to obtain any minecraft head in the database list for 1 gold ingot each.
Enabled plugins
Name | Description |
Simple Voice Chat | Proximity Voice chat for Minecraft. Chat with other players directly ingame! |
Head Database | A plugin that allows you to obtain thousands of custom Minecraft heads that feature unique designs. |
Shopkeepers | Setup custom Shopkeepers to sell/trade for custom prices, works like a Wandering Trader. Not mandatory. Can also just be used for decoration in a shop or base |
DiscordSRV | Talk to people in Discord from Minecraft or vice versa. We advice you to mute this channel in our Discord |
Dynmap | A Google Maps-like map that can be viewed in a browser |
LuckPerms | A permissions plugin used to control what features of a plugin players can access |
xAntiAFK | Detects AFK players |
CoreProtect | A fast, efficient, data logging and anti-griefing tool. This allows us to rollback and restore any amount of damage done. |
ViewDistanceTweaks | Dynamically adjust the view distance of each world in order to prevent lag. |
Worldedit - CREATIVE ONLY | A Map Editor with selections, schematics, copy and paste, brushes, and scripting. |
How to: Shopkeepers
You can use shopkeepers to sell your items, like Villagers with professions or Wandering Traders do.
But you could also use these villagers or mobs as decoration without AI around your builds.
- With the egg in your hand, left and right click in the air to select Shop Type.
Selling shop sells items to players in exchange for diamonds.
Buying shop buys items from players in exchange for diamonds.
Trading shop will allow you to set your own currency / trade for other blocks and items (We recommend this one!).
Book shop allows you to sell copies of signed books.
- Shift-right click to select the type of mob you want your Shopkeeper to look like.
AI is turned off, so your Shopkeeper won't wander off or get killed.
You can get a certain look, color or size for a mob or villager later after placing it.
- Place your chest or barrel wherever you want it.
Just make sure to have a transparent block or air on top if you want to use a double chest.
It can be anywhere in your shop as long as it is within 10 blocks of your Shopkeeper.
You can even hide the chest, the contents can be accessed straight through your Shopkeeper.
- Right-click on the container you just placed down to link it to your Shopkeeper Spawn Egg.
Then right-click on the spot you want your Shopkeeper to stand.
- Shift + right-click on your shop to access the Shopkeeper Editor.
The top row in the menu will show the items your are selling, buying or trading.
The second and third row are used for the currency (like diamonds).
In the fourth row the paper shows you what type of shop you have selected.
The left and right book allow you to go to the next or previous page if you're offering more than 9 items.
On the bottom row the name tag allows you to name your shop.
The chest on the bottom row in the menu allows you to access the container linked to your Shopkeeper.
- Place items in your container to see them appear in the top row after accessing the menu again.
Make sure you always leave at least one slot empty in your container to be able to receive payment!
- Select the currency below the newly shown items in the menu.
Until you select the currency, the items will not show up in the Shopkeeper for other players.
Left and right click both the item for sale and the currency to set the right amounts (like 1 stack for 3 diamonds).
- You are able to change the look of some Shopkeepers by clicking on the other icons on the bottom row.
With Villager Shopkeepers you can even set the biome and profession.
- The last slot in the menu shows a bone, which is used to delete your Shopkeeper.
Once an item of your stock runs out, other players will see it crossed out.
The settings for currency and amounts will still be saved, you simply need to provide more stock.
- You can collect your payment directly from the inventory of the container.
Or if you have a hidden container, via the chest icon in your Shopkeeper Menu.
- If a diamond is too much currency to ask for what you are trying to sell, you can get 8 petrified oak slabs at the trader near the portal for 1 diamond.
For example, you can sell 1 stack of sand for 1 petrified oak slab. So the price would be equal to 8 stacks for 1 diamond.
Client-side mods
What client side mods are allowed?
Name | Description |
Optifine | A Minecraft optimization mod with full support for HD textures and many configuration options (including Shader support) |
Optifabric | A mod used to run OptiFine with Fabric Loader |
Litematica | A schematic mod to assist you building structures you have already made in Creative again in Survival with a holographic overlay and a handy material list. Do NOT use the Printing option, this part is not allowed as you are no longer manually building things yourself. |
Simple Voice Chat | A proximity voice chat for Minecraft. |
Light Overlay | A light overlay mod to assist you in lighting up your base, farms and other projects. Press F7 to toggle a light overlay which will tell you the light level per block with just colored crosses or the number values |
Roughly Enough Items | A recipe mod with an overview of all the items in the game when you head to your inventory and the ability to press R on an item to see how to make it or U to see in which recipes it is used |
Hwyla | A UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly in-game without the need of opening an UI |
Replay Mod | A Minecraft Mod to record, relive and share your experiences. Usually used by content creators. Do NOT use this mod to spectate underground or to explore areas for you. |
Shulkerbox tooltip | A mod that allows you to see a preview window of a shulker box contents when hovering above it in an inventory. |
Voxelmap | VoxelMap is a minimap and worldmap mod that display your surroundings, or view the entire (explored) world. |
Xaero's Minimap | Xaero's Minimap is a highly customizable minimap mod that display your surroundings. |
What client side mods are NOT allowed?
Anything not listed above is not allowed.
If you want to use a mod that is not listed or are unsure if it is allowed, please contact a member of staff.
We're constantly updating this list, so feel free to make recommendations!