Frequentlty Asked Questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? DM a member of staff on Discord!


  When did the season start?

Season 6 started on February 1st, 2025.

  When will the new season start?

A new Season will start when the last one is finished or when the community decides it’s time for a reset.
There’s no fixed schedule—last season lasted well over a year and a half!

  Where is the server located?

The server is currently located in the UK.

  Where can I donate?

You can donate via our Tebex page. We don't rely on donations but it helps us out a lot.
All funds will go directly into the upkeep and improvement of our server. Donating will get you the Donator role in-game and on Discord, a mention on our website and our everlasting gratitude. If your role is missing, please contact a member of staff.


  Where can I build?

You are free to build your base wherever you want! There are no land claims or assigned locations.
The only restrictions are:

  • Do not build your base in the Shopping or Gaming District.
  • If moving in close to another player, contact them first to avoid building too close.
  • We have a city project this season—check the Alicia City Discord forum for details on community project planning.
  • Hilltown is our starter town near the city if you’re looking for a place to settle early on.

  Where is the World Border?

You can see the border, and the map itself, via

  How do I get a Base icon on the Dynmap?

You can contact a member of staff and give them the coordinates of your base.
An icon with your name will then shortly after appear on the Dynmap.

  Is the seed public?

Yes and no. For older seasons, the seed is available with the world download.
However, for the current season, the seed is not public.

  What is the Difficulty?

The difficulty is set to Hard. Torches are your friend!

  Can I use a second Minecraft account?

We allow a camera account for the purpose of assisting in building.
However, no Spectator mode will be given and AFKing with this account is not allowed.

  Can I AFK?

Yes, but after 2 hours you will be kicked.
This is to allow for better server stability and performance.

  Can I use TNT duping?

TNT duping is NOT allowed without direct permission from staff.
If you have a build planned (e.g. tree farm, ...), please consult a member of staff first.

  When does The End reset?

We try to reset the outer islands on the first of every month.
If you have a farm or base in the End dimension please contact a member of staff so that it will be excluded from the reset.

  Can I use an auto clicker?

Yes, we'd like to prevent RSI.

  Can I record/stream?

Streamers and content creators are welcome, just let others know when you're recording/streaming so they can behave accordingly. You can also use /status in-game to set your status (e.g., recording, streaming, etc.) so others are aware.
Share your channel link with the community so we can enjoy your content too!

  Mods & Plugins

  What datapacks are enabled on the server?

You can read up on them on this page.

  What client side Mods can I use?

Approved mods can be found here.
If you want to use a mod that is not listed or are unsure that it is allowed, please contact a member of staff.
Mods that help you automatically mine, move, build or let you use x-ray are not allowed.

Freecam can be used for creative and non-exploitative purposes, such as:

  • Taking cinematic shots or timelapses.
  • Checking your build from different angles.
  • Planning large-scale projects.
  • Check your (redstone) farm is working accordingly

However, Freecam should not be used to gain an unfair advantage, such as scouting caves for ores, spawners, underground structures, or avoiding exploration challenges.
Always use it responsibly and with respect for fair gameplay!

  What commands are there?

All player commands can be found on the Datapacks page under How to: Player commands.